Friday, February 8, 2008

Christ Ahnsahnghong Saved My Life

Since I was a child I was longing to do God's will, but according to the church I attended at the time God's will was different. I tried reading the Bible by myself to understand what God wanted, but I was very confused. I asked myself, "What is the difference between the Old Testament commandments and the New Testament commandments? Why is there a difference at all?"

I understood that the Jewish people kept the Passover and Sabbath Day on Saturday because this was God's commandment to them in the Old Testament. But Christians never kept Passover nor Sabbath on Saturday, rather they kept Sunday as the day of worship. "Why is the law between the two testaments totally different? Why would God make up one law for the Jews and completely abolish it when Christ came?" I got many answers to this question, but nothing through the Bible until I went to the Church of God World Mission Society.

I learned through the Bible that the Old Law was a shadow and the New Law established by Christ was it's reality (Heb. 10:1). This means that God had already planned the New Law as the truth that could lead to salvation and established the Old Law to show that the New Law was coming soon.

The Passover Jesus Christ kept with His disciples with bread and wine was the Passover of the New Covenant that gives eternal life. In order to show about this significant Passover, God established its shadow in the Old Testament first to represent Jesus' Passover that was coming in the future.

Jewish people eagerly keep the Passover today because God commanded them to, but God commanded them to do so to show about the Passover that He would establish later for our eternal life. But what do people keep today in the churches? Communion? Eucharist? Sacriment? God never showed these types of ceremonies in the prophetical shadow. Then can it be God's will to celebrate these ceremonies? We have to think about it seriously.

The Passover was abolished in 325 A.D. by Constantine the Emperor of Rome, and in its place he established communion saying that Passover was too much related with Jewish custom. Because of his own thought, and a lack of understanding God's will, he removed the most important truth for our salvation. Because of this, Christ has to return to reestablish the truth of the Passover. Christ Ahnsahnghong taught us how to keep the Passover again which has not been keep in over 1600 years.

Christ Ahnsahnghong is our Savior in this age. He gave us all truth and knowledge and established the Church of God World Mission Society. Please believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and keep the Passover because this is truely God's will for our salvation.


Short144 said...

We are are so blessed to have such a loving God that He would come back just for us to re-establish the Passover. Really, how merciful Christ Ahnsahnghong is!

Anonymous said...

I totally understand your point because I felt the same way. Never in my life I heard about the Passover untill I learned about it Church of God World Mission Society. I thought I knew Jesus but I didn't even Know Jesus kept the Passover. Our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong (Second Coming Jesus) brought the Passover because He Himself established it two thousand years ago.

I thank Heavenly Father Ahnsahnghong for saving my life by bringing the Passover.