Monday, December 8, 2008

God AhnSahngHong & Mother Jerusalem: *Unapporachable Light*

Today I would like to share a story with you. I have a friend whom I've known for sometime. He works in a warehouse and he told me something that happened to him just recently. He was working as he normally does but this day some people came to install some kind of dock plate or something. Anyway, the thing is that he saw the workers welding the dock plate. As he was watching, the welders told him, "Are you new? Don't stand there and look at the light!" Apparently, while welding something you have to put on a special mask othewise it is guaranteed that you will damage your eyesight. This is what it looks like.

As you can clearly see, the ones who are doing this job are wearing protective masks. When I heard this, the idea came to my mind. This light is so bright and powerful that our eyes cannot handle seeing. Literally, it destroys our vision. At this time I thought about God, Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother Jerusalem.

1 John 1:5 "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all."

The bible describes God to be light. If such a light from welding, our poor eyes cannot bare to see, how much less our eyes can see the true Light of God our Creator! Always the question comes up, "Why can't I see God?" Well just stop and think. If simple light from welding we cannot handle to see, could we handle the light which comes from God? We would not only go blind, we would probably perish! We cannot come near to the true light of Christ, as the bible says:

1 Timothy 6:16 "who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen."

For us children, however, the immortal, unapproachable light has come to us in human form. Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and Heavenly Mother Jerusalem have humbled themselves as low as coming into human flesh that we may come near to them. Father and Mother created all things on this earth to teach us. I thank them so much for allowing me to understand a little more about my Elohim God. We can approach the unapproachable light! How awesome Father and Mother are!